Fueling Mauritius with flexible leasing options

With MCB Leasing, say goodbye to the stress of negotiations. Our specialists will expertly guide you through each step, making it effortless for you to acquire your dream car.

Looking to lease a car?

Whether you're a first-time buyer or want an eco-friendly option, our flexible leasing solutions can help you achieve your personal goals.

Expert advice & flexible solutions

A personalised service

Fast turnaround time

Financing up to 100%

Flexible Residual Value

Progressive instalments

Bullet repayment facility


We have moved to a new core leasing and ERP software to serve you better!

In view of further harnessing technology to achieve its vision and corporate objectives, MCB Leasing has moved to a new core leasing and ERP software. These new systems will bring about enhanced efficiency and effectiveness of operations, improved customers’ journey and bettered risk management for your convenience and experience.

The new system will give all stakeholders and our customers a better and seamless experience, as it also onboards a customer portal designed to allow for a personal dashboard to access self-service functions. From access to contracts to keeping track of payment schedules, invoices and statements, you can all stay ahead of your leasing activities.


How to apply?

To apply, please complete the necessary forms and gather any supporting documents. These should be sent to [email protected].


  • National Identity Card (Mauritian Citizens)
  • OR
  • Valid Passport (for Mauritians, the passport should contain the NIC number of the applicant)
  • A utility bill in the name of the applicant for business which is not older than 3 months
  • OR
  • any other document, which either singly or cumulatively establishes, beyond reasonable doubt, the address of the applicant for business
  • Recent Birth Certificate

Salaried Person:

  • Salary Slip dated less than 3 months
  • OR
  • letter of confirmation of employment dated less than 3 months and signed by the Employer
  • Bank statements for the last 6 months


  • Business Registration Card
  • Business Plan/Statement, dated less than 3 months, detailing the inflows (business proceeds)/outflows (purchases/expenses)
  • Bank statements for the last 6 months, if BRC dated 1 year or more OR latest tax returns
  • Any regulatory license (e.g. Insurance Agent/Broker License, Investment Dealer License, Bookmaking License)
  • MRA betting tax remittance records (for bookmakers, totalizers) - Latest 10 months returns

For "Married" individuals

  • Proof of identity
  • Recent Birth Certificate of Spouse
  • Recent Marriage Certificate

For "Divorced" individuals

  • Marriage Certificate
  • Divorce Decree

For "Widow(er)"

  • Death Certificate of Spouse

For Foreign Residents

  • The Residence/Occupational permit
  • OR
  • work permit
  • OR
  • a marriage certificate evidencing marriage with a Mauritian citizen for spouses of citizens of Mauritius or surviving spouses of citizens of Mauritius (until remarriage) who are in employment in Mauritius as from 8 March 2019
  • A copy of the customer's work permit will be required, as stipulated in the Non-Citizens (Employment Restriction) (Work Permit) Regulations 2017
  • Curriculum Vitae detailing activities for the last 10 years, for investors
  • Letter from employer for foreign workers dated less than 3 months
  • Bank reference letter (dated less than 3 months) from previous bank where applicant has advised he has closed his account at another local bank

All documents marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be submitted for the appraisal of the lease.

MCB Leasing Limited may request for further information and/or documents, deemed necessary, to complete its due diligence process.


  • A certified true copy of Certificate of Incorporation
  • OR
  • an electronic certificate of incorporation (e-Certificate) issued by the Registrar of Companies of Mauritius
  • A certified true copy of Business Registration Card
  • A certified true copy of VAT Certificate, if applicable
  • A certified true copy of the licence*, where company is licensed or regulated by relevant authorities, e.g. Bank of Mauritius, Financial Services Commission, Ministry of Health & Quality of Life, National Land and Transport Authority, Ministry of Tourism & Leisure, etc., if applicable
  • A copy of the extract of file (dated less than 3 months) bearing the seal of the Registrar of Companies (manual or electronic)
  • OR
  • a copy of the particulars of Company at Incorporation for companies incorporated less than 3 months bearing the seal of the Registrar of Companies (manual or electronic) signed by any director or company secretary
  • OR
  • a duly dated and signed Register of Directors and Shareholders, recording the identity of current directors and shareholders
  • A duly dated and signed shareholding structure (where appropriate), clearly mentioning the percentage shareholding interest held. The structure should go back to the ultimate beneficial owner(s)
  • KYC documents of all directors, authorized signatories, significant shareholders and beneficial owners as follows:
    1. Certified true copy of a National Identity Card (Mauritian Citizens)
      Valid passport (for Mauritians, the passport should contain the NIC number of the applicant)
    2. Certified true copy of a proof of current permanent residential address dated less than 3 months.
  • A duly dated and signed business plan, clearly detailing out the business activities of the Company and including the sources and application of funds and estimated volume of inflows and outflows. The business plan may be signed by either the Management Company, the Registered Agent, a director, the company secretary, an accountant, the beneficial owner or signatories as per Acts and Deeds
  • OR
  • a duly dated and signed copy of the latest financial summary or audited accounts/financial statements
  • Resolution (original or certified true copy), authorising the opening of leasing and/or fixed deposit accounts and giving the authority to the signatories (as well as listing the signatories' specimen signatures) for the operation of the accounts and the signing of documents
    Resolution may be in the form of:
    1. written resolution signed by all directors;
    2. written resolution signed by all directors;

All documents marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be submitted for the appraisal of the lease.

MCB Leasing Limited may request for further information and/or documents, deemed necessary, to complete its due diligence process.


  • A certified true copy of Certificate of Incorporation
  • OR
  • an electronic certificate of incorporation (e-Certificate) issued by the Registrar of Companies of Mauritius
  • A certified true copy of Business Registration Card
  • A certified true copy of VAT Certificate, if applicable
  • A certified true copy of the licence*, where company is licensed or regulated by relevant authorities, e.g. Bank of Mauritius, Financial Services Commission, Ministry of Health & Quality of Life, National Land and Transport Authority, Ministry of Tourism & Leisure, etc., if applicable
  • A copy of the extract of file (dated less than 3 months) bearing the seal of the Registrar of Companies (manual or electronic)
  • OR
  • a copy of the particulars of Company at Incorporation for companies incorporated less than 3 months bearing the seal of the Registrar of Companies (manual or electronic) signed by any director or company secretary
  • OR
  • a duly dated and signed Register of Directors and Shareholders, recording the identity of current directors and shareholders
  • A duly dated and signed shareholding structure (where appropriate), clearly mentioning the percentage shareholding interest held. The structure should go back to the ultimate beneficial owner(s)
  • KYC documents of all directors, authorized signatories, significant shareholders and beneficial owners as follows:
    1. Certified true copy of a National Identity Card (Mauritian Citizens)
      Valid passport (for Mauritians, the passport should contain the NIC number of the applicant)
    2. Certified true copy of a proof of current permanent residential address dated less than 3 months.
  • A duly dated and signed business plan, clearly detailing out the business activities of the Company and including the sources and application of funds and estimated volume of inflows and outflows. The business plan may be signed by either the Management Company, the Registered Agent, a director, the company secretary, an accountant, the beneficial owner or signatories as per Acts and Deeds
  • OR
  • a duly dated and signed copy of the latest financial summary or audited accounts/financial statements
  • Resolution (original or certified true copy), authorising the opening of leasing and/or fixed deposit accounts and giving the authority to the signatories (as well as listing the signatories' specimen signatures) for the operation of the accounts and the signing of documents
    Resolution may be in the form of:
    1. written resolution signed by all directors;
    2. written resolution signed by all directors;

All documents marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be submitted for the appraisal of the lease.

MCB Leasing Limited may request for further information and/or documents, deemed necessary, to complete its due diligence process.

What to bring when you apply?

National Identity Card or a Valid Passport

Proof of address not older than 3 months: CEB/CWA/Mauritius Telecom

Birth Certificate

Marriage Certificate

Latest Payslip or Proof of Earning

Bank Statement (last 3 months)

MCB Leasing Fixed Deposit Interest Rates

Effective 15 July 2024

Minimum Amount Rs 100,000,000.00
Period (Months)% Interest Rate per annum
Payable at Maturity
630bps over the last 182 GOM Treasury Bills weighted average yield at the time of deposit
Minimum Amount Rs 2,000,000.00
Period (Months)% Interest Rate per annum
Payable MonthlyPayable QuarterlyPayable Half-YearlyPayable YearlyPayable at Maturity

Also note that:

  • The interest rate is fixed over the deposit period;
  • In case MCB Leasing Limited accepts to redeem a deposit prior to maturity, a penalty shall be applied on the amount of the fixed deposit from its opening date up to that on which the refund is made on fixed deposits. The penalty is 2% per annum.
  • All deposits are subject to the approval of the Managing Director

Be energy self-sufficient

MCB Green Lease is the green light to go for your eco-friendly vehicle.


Interested in knowing more?

Get in touch with our team today, and we’ll help you find the solution for your specific needs.

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Contact us

Raymond Lamusse Building, Sir William Newton Street, Port Louis, Mauritius